12 Oct

Left Click Context Menu on a System Tray Icon

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Although this post doesn’t seem like rocket science, I simply couldn’t find a reference for this technique online so I documented it here.

I have an application that a user interacts with primarily as a system tray icon.  I want to show the same context menu popup whether the icon is left or right clicked. I knew this could be done because Live Messenger works exactly this way when it is minimized to the system tray. I messed around for almost an hour looking for how to make the context menu show up in the right place on the screen. I even found this crazily complex approach:


Finally I noticed the the ContextMenuStrip.Show() function was overloaded like this ContextMenuStrip.Show(Point p) so that I can simply do this:

        private void _trayNotifyIcon_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

Isn’t that disgustingly simple? Now I know.

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