20 Dec

Visual Studio Keyboard Bindings

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Ever wondered about all the commands and keyboard bindings in Visual Studio? Ever wondered how many different ways exist to run a given command?

I wondered how many keyboard mappings there are in Visual Studio and luckily, Peter Provost has a little VS Add-in up on GitHub that dumps all keys to the Output window.

I upgraded it to support Visual Studio 2012 in this branch. I will submit the patch for that up to Peter?s project, but haven?t yet.

Below is the key mapping that dumped from my VS. I have 2012 Update 1 + Resharper installed and active.

My Keyboard Mappings Excel File

5 thoughts on “Visual Studio Keyboard Bindings

  1. I want an addin that monitors all of the commands I take inside VS (don’t even know if that’s possible). And when I’ve executed that command more than once with the U.I, it shows a little bubble that starts to nag me about shortcuts for operations. Or if there isn’t a short-cut it gives a little UI where I can supply one.

    Ready. Set. Build it… 🙂

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