8 May

VS Live 1.1

So Indigo really is the next driver for the evolution of Web Services.  The promise
of consolidating Service implementations into a single model is really attractive,
but the barriers of interoperability twill rear their ugly heads. 

  • Doing funky things in your WSDL will still cause problems for your Java consumers,
    but I sure hope this works out soon.  The promise of Async callbacks is just
    too powerful.
  • It seems to me that Indigo tries even harder to appear like objects on the wire, and
    as such Aaron had to work even harder than usual to enforce that we are still talking
    about messages on the wire.
  • Still no overloading for your operations (WebMethods).  You must “overload“
    via set of funky techniques that include the client knowing that it is invoking an
    overloaded message.
  • Transactions + Async callbacks will save the world.
