16 May

More Podcasting

I have learned a few more things over the last couple of days.  First of all,
there is far more content available via pod casts than I would have ever believed. 
Adam Curry claims the first pod cast, which he only published last summer.  Given
that this trend is less than a year old, I am blown away by the volume of content. 
My OPML file for interesting feeds has over 30 feeds in it, far more content than
I could ever actually  listen to.

Here’s another thing that I learned: OTR is on-line now!  Nerd that I am, I have
this weird thing for Old time Radio;  Sargent Preston of the Yukon, Charlie Chan,
The Whistler, etc.  Several years ago, I used to listen to a stream that came
out of Texas that repeated on a loop and was published new every week.  It contained
shows like the ones I mentioned, but the streaming thing requires that I am sitting
in front of a PC.  Now I can get these same things in MP3 for portable listening!

I have also learned some things about players.  Firstly, a flash player cannot
even begin to support the file sizes involved in podcasting, so I am looking for at
least a 20GB hard drive player.  The one I am really leaning toward is the iRiver
H340.  It is a 40GB that doubles quite well as a backup data drive.  It
supports image viewing and cataloging as well as playing AVI and MPEG for color video
at 10FPS.  This would be awesome for watching MS videos from MSDN and Channel
9 on a plane or something.  It has a built in FM tuner and the FM transmitter
is only another $50, for use on the home stereo and in the car.
