12 Jan

Properties of a Good CTO

Working at the unique company that I do, I was recently asked what I wanted to see
in the talent search for a new CTO.

So what were some of the things on my list? In no particular order, a CTO candidate
should :

  • Clearly articulate the impact that XML has had on data sharing and platform interoperability.

  • Speak about the impact that RSS has had on media syndication. What is your prediction
    for how grass roots syndication technologies like RSS will impact major media outlets
    in the future.

  • Explain not only that you understand, but that you embrace, the concepts of Agile
    development methodologies. Why does Agile work?

  • Talk me through the process of evaluating competing products for and enterprise system
    purchase. How do you decide between two DMS solutions, for example?

  • What is the key to driving positive organizational change?
    Mind you, I do not know the golden answer to this, but the candidate should.

What would you ask if you got the chance to interview your next Chief Technical Officer?