7 Feb

MS Messenger 8.0 Beta

The code slingers over at the Windows
Live Ideas
are on the verge of hitting one out of the park.

After publicly begging, I recently got thrown a Windows
Live Messenger
beta invite. It took awhile for me to get a chance to hook it up
to someone else also running the beta to test the new voice capabilities, but I finally
got the chance tonight. It worked great!

The audio quality is much better than the current MSN
voice, and get this… MS obviously has its eyes on Skype.
Messenger will now let me call the land lines of my contacts, although I have not
set up the account that would give me the credits to do so.

In addition to that kind of meat, there is also a lot of sauce. Colors, themes, pics,
newer tabs, an enhanced eBay tab
(cool), folder sharing, and new app sharing.

This will be fun.