18 Apr

Managing your Supervisor

I am going to tell you a secret about your supervisor.

Your supervisor did not get to be your supervisor by wanting to be your supervisor.
Your boss is your boss because your boss was good at something other than being your
boss. Maybe long ago. Possibly very long ago.

Think about it. Management is made up of people who were individual contributors at
one point.Your
supervisor did not get to be your supervisor by wanting to be your supervisor. If
they were good at what they did (theoretically they had to be to be promoted into
management) then very likely they had a passion for their work.

Whether it was coding, writing, painting, accounting, or whatever, your boss very
likely had a passion for her work.

Now here’s the real secret part of this post: If you can feed the passion that
your manager has trapped in their soul, you can get your boss off your back.

In my case, I tell folks on my team to remember that I still wish I wrote code. So
throw me a bone and give me an occasional small part of your project. I’ll write that
library routine for you, or whatever. And when I do, I won’t have any time left to
wonder about why your TPS report is late .
