I am beginning to read all of the books that I thought I knew the contents of without
actually reading them. You know what I mean, the classics of our discipline
that everyone talks about. The one I just finished, Agile
Project Management with Scrum by Ken Schwaber, is a classic for a reason.
Presented as a series of real world based scenarios, the stories address
the most common ways to fail with Scrum. It reads like a history of my
company’s attempts to get it right. I know of at least 3 scenarios that
Ken writes about that I have seen in real life myself. If I had read this
book 6 months ago it would have saved a lot of grief for our team. If you are
a Scrum Master, you had better read this book. In fact, if you are even considering
Scrum in your organization, this book is required reading.
Nice job, Ken.