SQL Server 2008 won’t release with the other 2008 products in March as originally planned, according to this article. It would be easy to take a cheap shot at this, but I would instead like to applaud the company’s decision to wait until the dish is fully baked.
How many of us work in a time-boxed release schedule with no apparent logical reason given for shipping on a particular date? The fact that Microsoft is choosing to take the hit in revenue and reputation to deliver something better, but later, should give us all heart. In an industry where quality is often forsaken for time-to-market, I will take quality any day.
One of my favorite quotes on the subject (who said it, I don’t know) is, "Customers will forget that you delivered late. They will always remember that you delivered crap."
The quote was something I have said quite often. I use a different word than “crap” though.
Yah… that’s it.