Pluralcast 47 : MSBuild with David Starr

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In this episode, Matt Milner substitutes as host an interviews me about MSBuild. MSBuild, you say!? Why yes, that amazingly high tech tool of automation. Yes, this is truly the stuff of Jedi?s. Maybe not, but if you don?t know this tech already, you should. MSBuild is one of those things that .NET developers need to have in their toolbox.

david-starr-200X247David Starr is a technical instructor with Pluralsight where he focuses on the Visual Studio ALM platform, Agile Software Development, and patterns and practices in .NET. He is a trainer and author with, a Microsoft Visual Studio ALM MVP, the founder of, and host of the Pluralcast podcast. He enjoys re-kindling the passion in developers that attracted them to the software development craft.


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