NuGet Project Uncovered: Chronic

If you are coming to this series of posts for the first time you might check out my introductory post for a little context.

Chronic is a port of Ruby?s Chronic providing some natural language parsing for dates.

This is a pretty cool little utility as it lets you take some input like “tomorrow? or ?two weeks ago? and turn that into a DateTime object.

Take a look at some tests I pulled from

public void seven_days_from_now_at_midnight()
Parse(” seven days from now at midnight”)
.AssertEquals(Time.New(2006, 8, 24));

public void _2_weeks_ago()
Parse(“2 weeks ago”)
.AssertEquals(Time.New(2006, 8, 02, 14));

public void two_weeks_ago()
Parse(“two weeks ago”)
.AssertEquals(Time.New(2006, 8, 02, 14));

I tried playing with it a bit. There seem to be some cases sensitivity issues with the codebase now as ?tomorrow? works but ?Tomorrow? doesn?t. But I think that?s a great reason to be on GitHub. Fork, fix, and send a pull request. All better?

2 thoughts on “NuGet Project Uncovered: Chronic

  1. I checked the class BasicExpressionsTests that you mentioned case sensitive issues for Tomorrow and ran the tests.  I didn’t see any issues running the following code.  This doesn’t work for you???
            public void Tomorrow_is_parsed_correctly()

    1. Hey Peter,

      This may be my lack of understanding how to use the project, however when I write the following tests (in the link below) I see different results than what I would expect. (Not sure if this is because the NuGet project is out of date form the source, but it looks like Install-Package chronic brings in 0.1.0) 

      Any thoughts?

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