13 Jan

CodeMash 2013 Pre-Compiler Slides

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Last Tuesday Alexei Govorine and I presented a 1 day pre-conference workshop at 2013 CodeMash conference in Sandusky, Ohio. Realizing Agility with Scrum and Visual Studio 2012 It was a great day with plenty of attendee participation and engagement. We visited Scrum and Agile practices, specifically looking at how to use Visual Studio and TFS […]

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12 Jan

Nokia 920 vs. HTC 8X

Category:General PostTag: :

This is a total layman?s review of these phones. If you want tech specs and the complete rundown to the pixel level, go to CNET. Through a twist of fate, I came to have 2 brand spanking new Windows 8 phones at the same time. With 1 SIM, I could just flip back and forth […]

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