15 Feb

Best Nerd Prank Ever

Is this image really that offensive? Apparently my buddy Brian thought
so as it it his head super-imposed on top of this lovely lady’s body. In response
to using this image as my IM avatar, Brian pulled off the best prank I have ever been
the victim of.

Brian got the assistance of our network admin to spoof the email addresses
of our Chief Operating Officer and our HR manager. He then sent a screen shot of my
IM window and the following email to those 2 names in Exchange and cc’d me.

While I like a joke as much as the
next person, I believe that this has crossed the lines of good humor. For an organization
that preaches respect, I think that this has gone way beyond acceptable behavior.

I was stunned. How could my buddy
have betrayed me so totally as to have sent this to the HR department? I sat in stunned
disbelief until I finally yelled, “That Bastard!“ loud enough that my
entire hallway began laughing themselves silly.

Good one, Brian. It’s on.