19 May

Installing VSS 2005

I find myself in need of a source control system for a side project that I am working
on.  I am surprised to find that even with only 2 developers and seperated application
layers, the potential for stepping on each other is high.

This doesn’t even address the fact that I have no backups for the source code at milestone
points, but anyway…

I thought to myself, should I simply throw up another instance
of CVS like we run at work, or should I try something new?  How about VSS
2005 that came with the April CTP? Bingo.

The Install

I had to install on the server via the Visual Studio installer and use the custom option
to get to VSS individually.  This worked fine, but I am sure that the installer
will need to be separated for production release.  This thing should come on
its own with its own installer.

I immediately went to the Admin application and added a new  VSS DB.  Cool,
I just just define it on the file system.  No surprises here.  The folder
dialog was a little buggy which was a surprise.

I chose to use the merge model for source code management.  I have gotten quit
used to this in CVS and I really like it.  If you can’t merge well, then you
probably aren’t aware of what your co-workers are working on, which is a bigger problem. 
Talk to each other, people!

Now, I added a user.  Can someone tell me why in the h**l I need a VSS password? 
Why isn’t this thing just doing domain authentication security? AAAArgh.  There
appears to be an option on the configuration dialog to allow for this, but then why
is the New User Dialog asking me for a password?

Now I have a DB and some users.  More will follow.