Looking back at my first job as a software engineer, wow, there’s so much I know now that would have been amazing to know then! I was fresh out of college, felt pretty good about how computers worked – data structures and algorithms were my jam – and honestly thought I had it all figured out. (Turns out, you always have so much more to learn, right?)
It feels like a lifetime ago, but back then things were very different. We didn’t have Continuous Integration, version control was just starting to become a thing (can you believe it?!), and automating deployments? That was the system administrator’s job, not something developers usually touched.
A lot has changed since then and while new software engineers are definitely coming in with solid foundations these days, there’s still that gap between knowing how things work and knowing how things work professionally as part of a team building real-world applications. It takes time and experience to really grow into the role.
That got me thinking… maybe I could help bridge that gap a little! So, I put together a Pluralsight course for folks just starting out.
If you’re new to being a software engineer, this course is packed with practical skills to help you hit the ground running and thrive in a team environment. And if you’re a team lead, it can give your junior hires a solid foundation on how professional software teams actually operate.
Here’s what we cover:
- How Software Development Teams Work Together
- Patterns in Software Development
- Understanding Software Architectures
- Creating High-quality Software
If you’re just starting your journey as a software engineer, I really hope this course helps you get off to a great start. Let me know what you think!