15 Apr

Estimating for Software Development, Delivery, and Deadlines

This was a fun talk from the 2013 ALM Summit, back in January. I didn’t even know it was online until someone tweeted it :). The ideas expressed here are around the pragmatism of using estimation as a technique, but not getting lost in the weeds. In other words, admit that we need some process […]

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7 Apr

My Work Kanban Support in Visual Studio 2012 Update 2

My team at Microsoft is responsible for the My Work feature in Visual Studio Ultimate. The My Work feature focuses a developer’s immediate work in a single, actionable view. My Work presents TFS Work Items assigned to me in a view that allows quick and easy integration with checking in code. This aims to reduce […]

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19 Mar

RichEditBox gives UnauthorizedAccessException (Access is denied) error when SetText called.

Category:General PostTag: :

While working on a little WinRT app I recently spent WAY too much time trying to figure out why I was getting the following exception System.UnauthorizedAccessException was unhandled by user code   HResult=-2147024891   Message=Access is denied. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070005 (E_ACCESSDENIED))   Source=Windows.UI   StackTrace:        at Windows.UI.Text.ITextDocument.SetText(TextSetOptions options, String value) when all I […]

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12 Mar

Windows 8 Share Charm Data Inspector

Category:General PostTag: :

In a previous post I mentioned I would share the app I created during a Windows 8 hackathon event. I spent some more time adding polish, testing, re-thinking my initial designs and today, I?m excited to say that it is now in the app store! What does this app do? The Share Data Inspector is […]

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3 Mar

Windows 8 Hackathon: Good for participants. Bad for Microsoft.

Last weekend I participated in a Windows 8 hackathon. In 24 hours of coding I had an app created and submitted to the App Store for certification. 24 hours to create an app? I’ll share details about the app I created in a future post. For now, I have since removed my app from the […]

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23 Feb

DefinitelyTyped TypeScript definitions now on NuGet

I recently started playing with TypeScript on an asp.net MVC web application. We’re leveraging some third party js libraries and found the type definition files over at DefinitelyTyped a huge help when dealing with libraries not originally written in TypeScript. The first thing I tried to do was add them via NuGet and when I […]

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13 Feb

It’s Markdown, no, PowerShell. Wait its Markdown formatted PowerShell.

I created an introductory presentation on PowerShell a while back and posted it on my GitHub. I first gave the presentation at the NNSDG and decided to also submit it as a talk to the Boise Code Camp this year. (Looks like I’ll be going ? track me down @staxmanade if you?d like to say […]

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