17 Mar

Programming Entity Framework

Programming Entity Framework is nearly 800 pages packed full of everything there is to know about EF. The author leaves no stone unturned as she takes you from simplest concepts such as querying & databinding, to more advanced scenarios such as concurrency, N-Tier and using your own Entities with IPoco. The book is chalk full of informative diagrams and extensive code samples.

Some of the patterns used (or not used) in the book may not be my favorite, however, I don’t believe that is the focus of the author. You can certainly fit or visualize the examples into your codebase quite easily.

Given my nearly 2 years of experience in EF, I will tell I have not found a single source of Entity Framework information more complete than this book. I would recommend it to anyone who is beginning or considering a project using the Entity Framework.

Programming Entity Framework

ISBN: 059652028X
ISBN-13: 9780596520281

4 thoughts on “Programming Entity Framework

  1. Does it include how to use EF to map to objects that don’t match your table structure in the database?

  2. Thanks for the kind words, Jarod. Your early feedback was very helfpul in getting me to think about patterns and some of the approaches I have taken in the book – even though I knew I wouldn’t be able to take this book to the level that you were looking for. I am looking forward to seeing the next steps that people will be able to achieve (and share) once they’ve been learning EF. And you know I’d really love to see an article from you someday that shows how to shape EF (using v1) in a really deep architecture.

    @Mendicant, the beauty of the Entity Data MOdel is that you can design it to reflect your objects, not the db tables/views. You can achieve a number of implementations of inheritance hierarchies, for example. While there are varous examples of tweaking the model throughout the book, there is one lengthy chapter devoted to the various mappings in EF’s conceptual model.

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