West Virginia was made for motorcycles. I found this out because I decided to
skirt the rain that was bombing me all the way from Pennsylvania and head west. I
made this decision in Harrisonburg, VA and thereefore I took off west on Rt. 33 through
WV. AWESOME RIDE! After the rain let up, this was the most fun I have ever had on
a bike. Gene, I missed you on this leg, buddy.
I can tell you the outside of my boots drag before my cylinder heads do.
OK, here is my big beef: Whoever told Corbin Seat Mfg. that harder
is better for longer rides needs to come here and massage my butt. I think my ass
is going to fall off. I have found exactly 7 different riding positions on this bike,
and they all still hurt.
Today in the travels:
I saw:
- A civil war battle re-enactment in progress
- A fully dressed rebel stood next to me at a urinal in a rest stop bathroom
- 3 otters ( 1 was roadkill )
- The biggest mullet I have ever seen
I heard
At a truckstop, a woman say to her kid, “Hell, yeah you can have that hot
wheel, but ya’ll don’t ask fer nothin else till Christmas, you here?“ -
In a Walmart parking lot, WV, where I stopped for an MP3 player, “What the hell
is that? I know it ain’t no Harley.“
At a truckstop, a woman say to her kid, “Hell, yeah you can have that hot
I smelled
- An otter.
- Homes heated with wood fires.