22 May

Kansas Harley Politics

After entering

Leavenworth I found an interesting conversation


I have actually been here before years ago with Elle ina different
life and time before we were married. This time I didn’t visit the prison. It
was a great ride west through rolling countryside. Eastern Kansas is just as scenic


and more importantly, it was DRY. No rain here.

Stopped in a parking lot to call home and the BMW
drew onlookers like flies. I had 3 Harleys lined up next to me within 5 minutes. It
was great. One guy had been to Boise and ridden with Brothers Speed back in the early
90s. I have been cut off in traffic by Brothers Speed, small world,
huh? So it was here that I discovered that George Bush is genuinely in trouble
come November.

I made an crack about gas prices when the subject came up,
“Gee, I thought they’d be cheaper since we’re winning over there.”
Ha ha, whatever.

So one of these guys cocks his head and says, “I don’t thing we ARE winning
over there [


That blew me away, here I am in


talking to a Harley-riding Marine Corp vet with an eagle and anchor tattoo on his
forearm and then he drops the bomb. “This is another


.”  WHOA. I totally agree, but I
never thought he would have that opinion. Georgie really
is in deep doo when a guy like that drops that kind of comment.
The other 2 guys are just standing around nodding their heads, yep, yep. Wow.