9 Aug

2 Movies in One Afternoon

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The Bourne Supremacy

We have finally gone overboard on the trendy hand-held camera shot
that “moves with the action”. I actually closed my eyes several times during this
movie in order to not get nauseous. 5 years ago this movie would never have left the
cutting room, as camera work like this is just plain bad.

Other than that, great flick.

The Village

If you know going in that this is not a horror flick, but a story more
akin to “The Giver” or an Albert Camus short story, then it isn’t bad. With M. Night
Shamalan, the expectation is horror, and if falls short there. This is no 6th Sense.

But like 6th Sense, what you learn at the end of this movie makes it
a candidate for seeing again. And with your expectations solidly in place, a second
viewing may actually make it better.