13 Aug

Keith Brown

Once upon a time, before PluralSight,
I had a Developmentor Guerilla class where Keith
taught a few sections on security. I thought, “Huh. That’s kind of interesting”
when he was done. Then I went a read some of his materials for some brush up. The
prolific work of this guy amazed me. To this day it ASTOUNDS me
how this guy can continue to find so much to say about security. Yes, I know it is
a big topic but my gosh!

I guess I feel the same way about Aaron
and XML. Absolutely stunning that the guy can still find interesting
things to explore with a single technology.

The ability to concentrate on a given technology is so rare in this
industry that it seems like the holy grail of development. These guru positions allow
someone the time focus on a single technology or issue to its conclusion. I just cannot
get excited about that idea. There is so much out there that is interesting. I suppose
my approach tends to make one a jack of all trades and master of none, but isn’t that
what Enterprise Development is really all about? We want the gurus to tell us the
right way to solve a problem so that we don’t have to find it for ourselves.