23 Nov

21st Century Christmas List

In a move that stunned me, my mother has requested that I post my Christmas
list online. Now this is a great move because I can hotlink directly to items that
I want so that there is no question what I am talking about.  This should prevent
a request for slippers ending up with rabbit ears on my feet.

As I also have no doubt that the rest of the worlkd would truly love
to know what my heart felt desires are this year, I will comply and here is the list.

Items that I want that are impractical

  • XM MyFi Radio

    This thing is far too expensive, but man is this great technology or what?  Satellite
    radio in a walkman package, this would allow me to listen to the same radio station
    on a coast to coast motorcycle trip or to play it in the house.  Hopefully the
    price will fall over the next year.

  • Hawke Oiler

    Pezioelectricly actuated oiler.  Awesome.  Push button chain oiling with
    no leaky puddles under your parked bike.

  • To sell my automotive fleet

    I have 2 old cars that depserately need to leave my life.  Interested?

  • New Shoei

    I will need to actually do this in the spring.  Never skimp on the lid! 
    I really like quiet, but the ear buds should take care of that.  This time I
    am going for quality, but I can’t live without the flip up visor.

Real Christmas List

  • House

    No bunny ears, please.  My current slippers are shredded as I tend to wear them
    outside too much. So, something like these so that an occasional jaunt outside won’t
    ruin them.

  • Earbud

    These would be so much nicer in my helmet than the hard ones that I wear now. 
    Here are the Noise
    ones, which would be great, but are too expensive.

  • Ratchet Wrenches

    Aren’t these great?  These things will fit in lots of tight spaces in
    which other wrenches are just too tight.  Removing drivelines, for instance.

  • A New Robe

    Having become more “formidable” since my last robe prchase, I need a new
    robe that won’t expose the naughty bits to the neighbors.

  • Hand
    warmers for the handlebars

    These are cheap and generic kinds.  Special Triumph ones are 6 times the cost.

  • Trivial
    Pursuit – 90’s Edition

    Relive the decade of grunge, Clinton and Y2K paranoia.

  • Tubeless
    Tire Repair Kit

    The Stop n Go Gun Kit is about the best one out there.  This would get me home
    even with a flat.  Priceless.

  • Acerbis
    Rally Pro Handguards

    Jay has thse on his bike and they are much better than the flimsy stock ones. 
    They would actually protect your controls in a crash.  Yellow, please.

  • Cycle Computer

    Trail Tech is the only way to go here. These guys make a great product.
  • >

  • Hyper

    For safety sake, these can’t be beat.  They really make you stand out when you
    are stopping and that can help a LOT when you are in traffic.