29 Nov

The Aquitaine Progression : Robert Ludlum

I have a terrible habit of reading the same author until I have exhausted
all of that author’s books. I ripped through Nelsen DeVille in a single month, for

After being thoroughly disappointed in The
Sigma Protocol
I thought that I would give the late-great Robert Ludlum another
chance by reading a different one of his earlier novels. I have just finished The
Aquitaine Progression
(1984) and guess what I found? That’s right, another
secret conspiracy by important world leaders to take over the world.

Here’s a surprising twist: It is up to a single man to stop the conspirators
before they can stop him. Oh, and he has re-sparked his relationship with his ex-wife
along the way.

That’s it. No more Ludlum, I

One thing that is interesting about these older spy books is that the
people in them go through great lengths to get messages to each other. The stories
would have to be completely different if set within the time of cell phones and the
Internet. Things really have changed, haven’t they?