4 Feb

Searching .Text with the Google API

As you may notice, I have added search to my Blog.  This is a search implementation that uses Google‘s Web Service API and resides alongside as a simple DLL in the \bin. I have been meaning to do this for a long time and with the emanate release of Community Server, I knew I was running out of time.  I […]

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4 Feb


After 2 solid days of total frustration, I can report the following: disable-output-escaping does not work when you are doing a tranform using an XmlReader or XmlWriter.  This makes sense if you think about it.  The attribute introduces the ability to create malformed XML. Use a TextWriter or a simple stream or something. This works: >xslt.Transform( […]

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4 Feb

Zanebug – A Rambling Review

Zanebug by Sean McCormak is Yet Another Unit Test Framework, but provides some very nice features.  Built in event monitoring, test timings, the ability to run tests multiple times, and a better Console report than round out the features. The 1.4.4 Beta version that I am running is nice to use, but does show it’s status as […]

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