10 Jun

TechEd Stuff and Notepad 2

Firstly, take a look at the “podcast” of the man-on-the-street type interviews occurring at TechEd.  This is pretty cool, but these WMV videos aren’t aggregated, so technically, they aren’t being casted. http://strategery.geekswithblogs.net/TechEdPodcast.aspx Next, thanks to Hanselman for the awesome tip in this post to try a new text editor, Notepad 2.  I have been a faithful user […]

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9 Jun

ConnectionBuilder in ADO.Net 2.0

This is a blatant ripoff from Aaron Skonnard, but I have to quote it to get across the idea of the post.  Check this new class out, very sweet. SqlConnectionStringBuilder connbuilder = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder(); connbuilder.DataSource = “localhost”; connbuilder.UserID = “someuser”; connbuilder.Password = “somepassword”; SqlConnection c = new SqlConnection (connbuilder.ConnectionString); c.Open(); … // do something with […]

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9 Jun

Good to Great by Jim Collins

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I read Good to Great by Jim Collins during my stay in Houston.  The book is a study of publicly traded companies that met a particular set of criteria of out performing the general market.  The companies must have “turned themselves around” to out perform the market by at X 3 and must have done […]

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5 Jun

Day 4 or So

A complete meal of pie for 5 at House of Pies, $35. A chicken sopapia at Chuy’s just the way Mark said to order it, $12. New eye glasses in-an-hour (actually 2 hours) to replace the ones that washed away into the Gulf of Mexico, $350. 1 hour of grandmother induced Billy Graham Cruisade, priceless.

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3 Jun

Roostin in Houston, Part Duex

I am writing this post in IE, but connectivity is provided to my mom (who I am visiting here in Houston) via AOL.  I feel dirty.  Doesn’t Starbucks offer free wireless?  I brought my laptop, after all. I remembered this post by Scott Hanselman and I have just finished following most of the steps in it […]

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2 Jun

Blogging the Enterprise

I am in the middle of introducing blogs into our workplace.  “Good Lord, why?” you ask? “Aren’t blogs for nerds like you?” Well, yes.  But there’s more.  I have found several articles discussing the advent of blogs within the enterprise, but this is a recent enough development that there aren’t a lot of use cases […]

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