4 Jul

The Dave Test

Joel Spolsky wrote an article back in 2000 outlining some basic
questions to ask of an employer to gauge the effectively of a software development
team.  The questions that he poses are still valid today and in addition to being
good talking points during an interview, the ideas can help team managers like
me look for areas of improvement in our teams.

It strikes me that while these questions are excellent tools in
gauging a team, there are questions that could be asked about the company in general
that will help you understand if this will be a good place to work.

I consider myself extremely lucky to work at Healthwise. 
We are a 30 year old not-for-profit, mission driven company whose guiding principle
is to help people make better decisions about their health care.  This may sound
rather mundane, but in practice the culture that has evolved at Healthwise is one
that I would not trade.  That culture has helped to evolve my thinking when posing
these questions.

Flexibility and Red Tape

  1. What is the process for buying a book that I need?  What
    about a trackball?

  2. If I have a good idea for improving our product, who do I tell?

  3. If I need a new server for a particular project, who makes that

Your Potential Manager

  1. What are the guidelines for lunch hours?

  2. What is the process for taking personal time to attend to a kid
    at school or something of that nature?

  3. When I have worked 3 nights in a row to hit a deadline, what will
    management do to recognize that?

  4. What was the last event that the team participated in outside
    of the office and when did that occur?

Physical Space

  1. Can I see another person when sitting at my desk and looking toward my screen?>

  2. How often have you (address an interviewer) moved your desk in
    the last year / 6 months?


There are no right and wrong answers to these questions, indeed they aren’t measurable
because the answers will be relative to what you feel is acceptable.  The bottom
line is that you need to feel comfortably at home in your workplace because you will
be spending A LOT of your time there.  In a good team, the people that are
intereviewing you today become your friends and trusted associates if you get
the job.  Is this a company that you will be proud to be associated with?

By the way, our team is hiring :).
