30 Aug

Matt Got Married

So, Matt Berther went and tied the knot.  It was a great wedding up in Stanley, Idaho, and the wife and I decided to make a good weekend trip out of it.  The grandparents came from Seattle to watch the kids and this gave us the chance to go up on the motorcycle.  It was […]

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25 Aug

Hiring Good People

There is no greater contributing factor to the success of your business than hiring the right people.  Joel Spolsky has a great article on hiring great programmers, and while this is a large part of the equation it is not the whole solution. There are some non-tangible questions that I believe need to be answered before allowing […]

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25 Aug

Matt Gives Up

Matt Berther is getting married this weekend in Stanely, Idaho.  It should be really fun.  The wife and I are pawning the children off on the grandparents and we are heading to Stanely on the motorcycle.  I am really looking forward to this, as it is the first time that Eleanor and I have ever […]

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18 Aug

Whidbey Observations

There are so many ways to bind to data that I think I bound myself into a knot. New DataSets are cool.  Very cool.  The designer makes all the difference.  RapTier can take a flying leap, but ORM mapping is still going to matter. Partial classes may very well be a substitute for VS generated […]

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11 Aug


Always a day late and a dollar short, I have just installed Whidbey, April Release of Beta 2.  I will now proceed to fill up my blog with things that you read about months ago, but I am just now going to be experiencing for the first time.

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