15 Nov

VSTSRocks.net Again

I posted a couple of days ago about The Visual Studio Team System site VSTSRocks.net and while I almost appreciated what the site has to offer, I had not yet seen this page.  This tutorials section alone is worth the free price of admission. So far, My favorite videos are of the check-in and merge […]

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15 Nov

Software, the Organism

Software is a lot like a human body.  Our software and our bodies grow and evolve, demonstrating many of the same needs and functions.  Just like modern medical facilities and treatments,  modern software development infrastructures and tools exist today to help us to ensure the wellness of our software.  We know that you shouldn’t just see your doctor for injuries and you shouldn’t just test […]

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15 Nov

Developer Driven Quality

Definition by Dave:  Developer Driven Quality is a system of software development in which the software developer assures near zero defect quality of a product. Holding Developers Accountable The traditional model of throwing software “over the wall” to QA pushes responsibility for software quality to a group least empowered to affect it.  Testers can merely report what they find, they cannot […]

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