I have recently taken a particular interest in giving myself the English and Speech
Communications 101 coursees that I should have paid attention to in Jr. College. It
all started when I was given a slip of advice after a presentation that I was making
on Agile.
On the board I had written the words “less than 10”. A kind soul came up to me after
the presentation and corrected my writing. As it happens, the proper way to express
this is “fewer than 10”.
This made me take a particular interest in how my communication style adds to or detracts
from my legitimacy in the meeting room.
The following sites offer some helpful tips for everyday speech.
- http://www.dev-bureau.com/tips/grammar.htm
- http://faculty.edcc.edu/~gvanbell/write_misused.htm
- http://www.wsu.edu/~brians/errors/errors.html
Also, I am currently reading the following books.