19 Mar

Boise Code Camp v1.0 Success

Today was amazing. The Code Camp experience was like nothing else I have ever attended.
This was a cross between a Fawcette conference, a user group meeting, and a brown
bag lunch training session.

The quality of presentations was amazingly high and I definitely learned some things
today. I particularly enjoyed Martin
‘s Software Factories and the Art of Mass Customization. It made me think
of a previous
post of mine
from January 2005.

I actually wasn’t totally pleased with my presentation. Today made me realize that
running through your presentation to an audience before the real audience
is really important. Even if I present to just one person, like my wife, it helps
me time and polish the whole package.

One thing that was particularly fun for me was my inclusion in a panel discussion
on methodologies. Turns out, this Agile thing is for real. I feel pretty honored to
have shared the table with the likes of Doug
, the creator of dotnetjunkies.com.

If you have the occasion to attend one of these events, I strongly advise you to do
so. Given the complaints I hear about no training being provided by employers, it
is beyond me why any developer who is serious about their career would not take advantage
of this great training opportunity.

I hear that we had over 120 people at the code camp today and given the success of
today’s event I am sure that next year’s will be even bigger. You can bet that I will
be there.

Oh! One last bonus, I won Dundas
Chart for .Net
and Dundas
Gauge for .Net
as a door prize. Awesome! I am going to use the gauge package to
make an information