26 Jul

Pair Programming with a Stranger

When was the last time you saw a scene like this at a conference?  This scene played out at a table in the main foyer of the Agile 2006 conference.  This personifies the entire Agile + Open Source movement. If you can’t read the sign, it says, “Please pair with me on Mozilla code.”  

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26 Jul

Agile 2006 – Day 3 Report

Rather than pick on individual speakers or sessions, I would like to simply discuss today qualitatively.  I enjoyed it and was glad to be here . I went to several sessions on appropriate metrics in Agile and Scrum environments.  I am excited to stop bugging people for information that doesn’t really matter when I get […]

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25 Jul

Agile 2006 Conference – Day 2 Report

Sessions I Attended KEYNOTE, Peter Coffee, Technology Editor of eWeek Magazine The keynote address was delivered by Peter Coffee, Technology Editor of eWeek magazine, and was effectively a list of books that we should read with some observations thrown in that were implied to be gleaned from the books being mentioned. Although delivered in monotone, I was […]

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25 Jul

Agile 2006 Conference – Day 1 Report

Day 1 of the Agile 2006 Conference was marginally valuable for our team.  While we were unsure of what to expect, what we have have found has been primarily amateurish presentations and divergent messages from the presenters. Agile Practices 1 David Hussman spoke about how he was a hippy and effectively laid out the case for Agile for people […]

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24 Jul

A Hilarious Question

I just heard a great lecture by Mike Cohn on Agile estimation techniques.  At the end of the lecture, an audience member asked a question that almost made me spew water out of my nose. “As a team gets better at Agile, do they start using man hours instead of points?” I refrained from standing up and […]

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23 Jul

My Lifehack to Scrum the Family

Scrum as a technique for managing a team of people with common goals works very well.  Indeed, it works damned well.  This has been demonstrated in more cases than I can cite for software development, but where else does Scrum work to help us get things done?  I have heard of successful attempts to use […]

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23 Jul

Agile 2006 – Day 1

I am here in Minneapolis with 4 of the other crew from work and we are in attendance at Agile 2006.  Last night we at some of the best Indian food I have ever had at a resteraunt within walking distance and then came back to the hotel to play pool on slanted tables for […]

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22 Jul

Apple Advocates Proliferating

Is is just me, or are more and more people looking at Apples as a viable home computer option these days?  I just came back from dinner with a developer and his family (neighbors) and his house is full of Apple computers.  The guy is an engineer at HP, for the love of Pete! In […]

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