15 May


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I just did something I vowed never to do. Ever.

Maybe it isn’t enough that I have the responsibility of feeding a wife, 4 kids, 2 cats, and a pair of guinea pigs.  Apparently that wasn’t enough.

Meet Butters.  Specifically, meet Grammy Buttercup Starr, the newest member of our family.  Butters is pictured here at 2 weeks, 3 days.  Butters lives in Missouri right now but as soon as she reaches 8 weeks old (June 11th), she will fly to Boise to live with us.  Butters is a miniature English Bulldog.  As a miniature she will not reach more than 30-35 pounds. 

I just couldn’t help myself, I mean look at her.  I will teach her to ride to work with me on my motorcycle, and I guess this means I will be joining the Healthwise Hounds.

I am reading Puppies for Dummies. Seriously.

4 thoughts on “Butters

  1. Ahhhhh….Look at her, she is so adorable….Who would have thought, Dave Starr with a dog! You are a big softy!

  2. Pingback: Domestic Oblivion
  3. Where did you get your puppy? We have two mini-bulldogs but one of our dogs came to us very sick and the other is already 48 lbs.. a 1 year old female. We would appreciate a recomendation!

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