1 Sep

Vista 64 Indexing Issue

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I installed Google Desktop and found that what this did to the performance of my machine was just not livable. After uninstalling Google Desktop and Sidebar and re-enabling search and Vista sidebar I kept receiving indexing errors in my Application Event Log. Mostly they were from Outlook and my performance was tubing.

I wanted to force a re-build of my index catalog, but the Index Options applet failed to initialize and the “Advanced Options” button was not enabled for me to force the re-indexing. The enternal, infernal message it gave was “Waiting to receive indexing status…”.

So now what? Long, long story short:

Set this key to zero “0” and reboot:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Search\SetupCompletedSuccessfully

This forces Windows to rebuild your catalog upon system initialization (Search service startup). I am all happy again and thought I would post this for someone else later.

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2 thoughts on “Vista 64 Indexing Issue

  1. Google desktop works well with Vista and should not be an issue. I use it all the time, and switched off the Vista indexing.

  2. Just as any fyi as well I used this didn’t need to restart.
    Just do a net stop wsearch and then a net start wsearch to restart the search service.

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