27 Aug

Communities of Practice

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One of the many valuable new ideas I picked up at Agile2007 is that of Communities of Practice (CoP). The basic principle is not ground breaking, but it puts a formal structure on a highly effective organizational pattern many people forget is available to them. The concept is deadly simple. People of like mind within your company come together […]

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20 Aug

Agile Adverts

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AgileAdverts.org was a contest put on by Google for the Agile2007 conference. Imagine 2000 people in a room watching these videos on 20ft. screens and pissing themselves laughing (Google provides a free bar at all their gigs, after all). The hands down people’s choice award went to this video, Developer Abuse by Thought Works. Dang, […]

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16 Aug

Agile2007 Day 3 – Flippin’ Awesome!

A Framework for Agile Leadership At the executive level of any well-run organization, effective communications and planning are helped by framing discussions with formal frameworks. The frameworks themselves vary by the thousands, and an entire industry of business books is propped up by this idea. The fundamental idea is that you put a project or […]

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14 Aug

Atomic Object and Presenter First

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While riding my BMW R1150GS through the Idaho back country last week, I listened to a lot of podcasts, Beastie Boys, and Asleep at the Wheel. Pretty much in that order. Far and away my favorite podcast right now is Ron Jacobs’ Arcast, and I listened to several episodes while power sliding the bike around corners and […]

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14 Aug

Agile2007 Day 2

The Absolute Worst Keynote at a Technical Conference. Ever. Today’s keynote was the the longest 90 minutes in my recent memory.  That’s 1.5 hours of my life I will never get back. The keynote address for the Agile 2007 conference was given by Susan Ershler who spent my precious 90 minutes saying things like, “Rah, rah” and “You […]

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