25 Jul

Jeff Sutherland Visits Again

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One year ago Jeff Sutherland came to our company and certified 20 of us as Scrum Masters.  We have had an amazing year of progress following that original training and have spread Scrum throughout the organization. Scrum is now the standard way we get things done as an organization. Last night Jeff arrived in Boise […]

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24 Jul

Anticipating Complexity

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Building abstraction layers into your application is a good thing, right?  By the way, building only enough software to deliver to requirements provides the highest value.  Also, make sure that when you add functionality to your application, it doesn’t require a code change.  But don’t try to predict the future uses of your application because […]

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22 Jul

Including Tests into the Original Assembly

I am working on a project in which I am diligently applying TDD.  I am enjoying the process of actually driving my design with tests, as it as clearly saved my bacon already with discovering bugs in my class constructors. I am using ReSharper’s NUnit support + Matt Berther’s excellent TDD Live Templates over MSUnit, which is […]

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14 Jul

Confusing Tactics and Strategy : An Agile Antipattern

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One highly touted benefit of Scrum and iterative development techniques is the speed with which teams can re-focus.  I have seen teams successfully transition to a dramatically different projects over 2 workdays at an iteration boundary.  Using the natural heartbeat of iteration boundaries allows teams to move between radically different projects and codebases with lower disruption costs.  The Entropic […]

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13 Jul

The Ten Laws of Simplicity

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I am working at home today and listening to Friday’s Talk of the Nation on NPR, which is the Science Friday edition.  Today’s guest is John Maeda, author of the Laws of Simplicity, and founder of the Simplicity Consortium at the MIT Media Lab. John has published these 10 laws that are not only worthy […]

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12 Jul

My Sweet Bike

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 Tuesday was my birthday and my wife hit a home run.  Check out my sweet new geek bike…  Sweet bell Bike computer (speed, cadence, time, etc) Fat man seat Rear rack (for bulldog passenger seat) Headlight / taillight RAM Mount for my Treo or iPod Coffee mug That’s right! I rode down the street last […]

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12 Jul

Scrum in a 2 Person Team

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What?  Why in the world would you use Scrum for 2 people?  Why not use XP and then you are inside each other’s head anyway? Let me essplain. Martin Danner and I recently became a team of 2 as the Software Architecture Team at Healthwise. For now, we even share an office. Although our projects are different, […]

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