OK, we all know we need to back up our data. And we have all been told to have an off-line location for all of our data as well. More than likely, the business we work at does just that.
But at home? Not a chance.
Heck, we are lucky to have a backup anywhere. Maybe your lucky enough to have several computers with large hard drives and you can copy your data between them. Or, if you are really geeky, you have an external hard drive that you can pass around. That’s a good start — but what about the off site part? Could be that is just too much trouble. But there are answers.
Several web sites are now offering off-site backup for home users, and for not much money either. Here are some solutions:
Mozy (a user group favorite): 2 gig free, $5 a month for “Unlimited space”. Might not be unlimited, but still a good deal.
IDrive: also offers 2 gig free. You can map a drive to it (Vista is not supported), and “Unlimited Space — 150 gig” for $50 a year (slightly cheaper than Mozy). IDrive also supports versioning.
Carbonite: No free space, but everything else is comparable.
Of course, this blog is mainly read by developers, we want to backup our code, and there are lots of options for that.
If you don’t care if someone else sees your code, things are easy and free. The hardest consideration is do you want to store your code in Subversion, CSV, or something else.
SourceForge: the original. Uses CVS and Subversion
Google Code: a new kid on the block, but very popular with many open source .Net projects. Uses Subversion.
Tigris: these guys make Subversion — and offer space. They also list a number of hosting site.
CodePlex: Microsoft sponsored site for open source projects. You will find the AJAX Toolkit, and the Patterns and Practices stuff there. I believe they use Team Systems for source control. Interestingly, you will also see many other open source libraries with listings there, but the code is actually on Google Code (because CodePlex doesn’t support Subversion).
Commercial Hosting. Lots of options here as well, and lots of price ranges. Just Google “subversion hosting” and you will see a ton of options. Price is one consideration, but also look for bug tracking while you are there. Here are a few options:
SvnRepository: Starts at $4 month, includes 500MB and Trac for bug reporting.
CVSDude: Starts at $5 month, includes 100MB. They also have Trac and Bugzilla, but you have to pay more.
OK, there are a few options, but not a definitive list by any stretch. If I left something out, please leave a comment and I’ll update the post.
$20 software purchase about 15c per GB/month via Amazon S3
One more:
Shared SVN and Trac hosting for $7 a month (100MB). Unlimited projects and users, which is nice. I’ve used them for about two years and couldn’t be more satisfied. Support is top-notch — typical time to respond is about five minutes. (!)
… and this is not a paid message.
I use jungledisk and Amazon S3 as well. I love it.
I’m using Memopal (www.memopal.com), 5GB free and low cost 250GB. The interface is very intuitive and the drag & drop is very useful to copy and restore files. I reccomand it.
At ProjectLocker (http://www.projectlocker.com), we offer Trac and Subversion hosting over SSL for as low as $2.50/month for 1 GB, 2 users, and unlimited projects. Feel free to take a look at us as well.