26 Nov

Windows Server 2008 All Over

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I have spent the last couple of days getting all the kinks worked out on my 2 boxes to get Windows Server 2008 up and going. The whole reason I am going through this is for Hyper-V, because I do a lot of work on VMs. The flat out fact is that Hyper-V is way faster than Virtual PC and has several of the nice features that I previously needed VMWare or Parallels to enjoy.

OK, so what were the sticky bits?

The Mac Book Pro

Used BootCamp 2.1 and things went mostly fine, but I had to go get the 2.1 drivers from the web. I have an early version of the 17” MBP and it came with BootCamp 2.0. No x64 drivers there, I am afraid.

  • Get a wireless driver that actually works here.
  • You will still need the LapTopVideo2Go drivers. Bummer.

There are enough posts out there that do the step-by-step install for you, just be assured that you can get there from here. It works. Eventually. Mostly.

The Dell m1330

There is much love from Dell for the Vista x64 drivers these days, including a video driver for my NVidia 128 card. Just go to the Dell site and download the Vista x64 drivers and go nuts.

Rumor: A new bios update (A13) is due in the next few weeks that will let us throw 8G of RAM into our little 13.3” power stations! Yes!!!!!

Getting the server to act more like a desktop

And finally, no matter what hardware you are on, go here and find ways to make the colors prettier. And actual cool stuff, too. I hate the shutdown tracking, for instance.

Oh Yeah…

It was worth it. Hyper-V is just flat fantastic and the OS itself is much snappier.

Loves it.