27 Sep

Pluralcast 25 : Windows Phone 7

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Windows Phone 7 is poised to soon move beyond walls of Microsoft and into consumers hands. That means we developers can start to think about actually writing apps for the device and this show introduces us to the developer experience for Windows Phone 7.

Adam Grocholski

Adam is a Technical Evangelist at RBA Consulting where he spends time focusing the Windows Azure Platform as well as the latest UI technologies such as Windows Phone 7 and Silverlight. He also has a penchant for hanging around some of the darker corners of the .NET Framework (i.e. T4 and MEF). Recently, Adam was named as a Microsoft MVP for his commitment to the Microsoft development community.

From founding and presenting at the Twin Cities Cloud Computing user group to speaking at the local .NET and Silverlight user groups along with code camps and local, regional, and national conferences, Adam is committed to building a great community of well-educated Microsoft developers.

You can catch up with his latest projects and thoughts on technology at http://thinkfirstcodelater.com, or if that’s too verbose for your liking you can always follow him on twitter at http://twitter.com/agrocholski.


Adam Grocholski


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Ben Riga

Ben is a Senior Technical Evangelist for Windows Phone 7 in Microsoft’s Developer and Platform Ev angelism (DPE) group.  His responsibilities include demonstrating the compelling business value of the Windows Phone platform and how it extends the Microsoft stack to the device to help customers and ISVs to more quickly deliver mobile applications. 

Ben supports the Microsoft field by engaging in key projects, recruiting target customers/partners, engaging customers and partners with feedback and managing the all-up engagement pipeline.

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