9 Oct

Jack Higgins is the Man

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When I get stressed out from work, kids, whatever, there is one thing that I know
will help me relax.  No, besides that.  Read anything that Jack Higgins
has ever written.  The man is an absolute genius.  Jack Higgins writes the
lamest, most perfect, obvious, creative, pulp, genius, trash novels that I have ever
picked up for $2.50 from the used paperback book store. 

The latest addition to my fleeting memory of Hack Higgins books is The
Graveyard Shift
.  This book has it all, starting with the fact that the
entire story takes place over the course of one evening.  We find Nick, the misunderstood
and much maligned rich-boy cop pitted against (or is it with) a hardened, just-released
felon, Jack (or something).  Which one will survive the night?

Yeah, I don’t really care either, but I was able to consume these 300ish pages
over the course of 2 days, faster than George Bush takes to look stupid in public.