I have purchased a few things on eBay, but I just listed my first item. This
was a dry run to sell something bigger ( a car ) just to see how eBay works and
all I can say is, “What a pain”. I understand why the process is SOOOooooo made
for people who don’t get the web, but man this was just excruciating.
I think maybe after doing it once or twice, it’ll take less than 30 minutes.
For this first listing, I am including the download time for Paint.net and the image
edit time. Turns out that images have to be 400X400 to scale properly without
an additional fee. Man, what a great racket these eBay dudes have.
I looked around the kitchen and found the first thing that I knew I didn’t need or
really use and I picked 1 of my 3 atomic clocks from the top of the fridge.
I have a real thing for atomic clocks (another discussion) and I really don’t need
six of them now that my wristwatch syncs via the Ft. Collin radio signal.
Check out my ad.