3 Jun

Roostin in Houston, Part Duex

I am writing this post in IE, but connectivity is provided to my mom (who I am visiting
here in Houston) via AOL.  I feel dirty.  Doesn’t Starbucks offer free wireless? 
I brought my laptop, after all.

I remembered this
post by Scott Hanselman
 and I have just finished following most of the steps
in it on my mom’s eMachines computer.  I have thrown in some extras in there
too, like setting her home page to Elegant Code.

Doesn’t it amaze you guys that there are people who don’t know how to set Windows
wallpaper and IE startup pages?  Bizarre.

Anyway, here I am after 8 hours of air travel with a 4 and a 5 year old.  They
didn’t even sleep on the planes, people!  Throw me a bone!

On the up side, I have only seen 2 roaches and one was dead.