26 Apr

An Idaho Sunday

11:00 AM

Said my wife, “I have an idea, honey. Let’s go look at the Snake River today. With
all of the rain, I bet it is really high.”

“Good idea, babe. I can bring my laptop and get some paperwork done.”

3:07 PM

These kids will seriously not shut up. My wife is playing 80s music compilation CDs
of one hit wonders. I am in hell.


It was 2 hours to Twin Falls, Idaho with 4 kids just to see some water falls. We are
subsisting on gas station food and red Gatorade.

I have just finished watching BASE jumpers fly from the middle of the Twin Falls bridge.
That’s a lot of awesome for something
that lasts only about 10 seconds.

Wow. That looks so fun. I am getting too old to even think about it, though.

I am now waiting in a 2 mile line of cars with 4 kids in the back of the car. I will
soon pay my $3 to be admitted into Shoshone Falls in the Snake River Canyon. Almost
there. This had damned well be good.

8:36 PM

It was worth it. Shoshone Falls was beautiful. We got some great pictures and the
kids ran crazy the whole time without managing to pitch themselves over the side into
the canyon. So that’s pretty much a win.

40 more miles to home. 3 kids asleep, one more woozy and almost out. We ate dinner
at a Mongolian grill in Twin Falls which (and you already knew this) was not particularly
authentic. I had fried chicken.

I have gotten a lot of paperwork done and will accomplish even more before we get
home. The kids are fed, I saw some extreme sports and a natural wonder. All in all,
this was a good day.