4 Feb

My CrackBerry

Yesterday, the good folks in IT gave me a BlackBerry
. The carrier is Verizon and the device talks directly to our Exchange server
so that I get emails delivered on the fly with the same speed as Outlook.

So far, so good.

  • The form factor of the device is superb and thumb typing is easier to do than
    I would have thought.
  • The email synchronization is a bit odd as I have to force a sync with Exchange
    to get emails to go away that were deleted from the server.
  • The quality of the device as a phone is as good as my Sprint
    Sanyo 8200
    that I lost last month .

We’ll see if this thing really changes my life, but so far the ability to send/receive
email anytime, anywhere is amazing. This changes things.

I am supposed to get a bluetooth headset to go with it next week and that may make
the phone experience even better.

As long as the network stays alive in the face of the impending
, I will enjoy this thing as I polish my thumb-typing-under-the-meeting-room-table

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