28 Jan

My Bio

I have been asked for a short professional bio and a head shot for the Boise
Code Camp
that is coming up. I think I am going with the head shot on the right,
but I don’t really have that quirky little bio, so I’ll write it here.

David Starr is Director of Engineering Services for Healthwise, Incorporated
in Boise, Idaho, a not-for-profit organization committed to helping people make better
health decisions. He has been writing software professionally since 1992, when he
started his development career making things like NASCAR.com, ESPN.com and other Go
Network websites. Professional interests and pursuits include Agile methodology, .Net
technologies, OO design principles, and design patterns. David currently leads the
software development efforts of Healthwise and introduces Agile to anyone who will

The sessions that I will speak on need blurbs too, and here they are.

The Future of RSS>

RSS has really changed the way we consume information. We will explore new ways that
this simple, yet effective, technology is being used and look at some new ideas for
the future of the RSS standard.

Principals of Defect Avoidance

Avoiding putting defects in your code is better than finding them after they are there.
Although this is obvious, actually avoiding the defects may not be. We will discuss
genuine techniques and principles that you can use to keep your software healthy.