22 Jul

Apple Advocates Proliferating

Is is just me, or are more and more people looking at Apples as a viable home computer
option these days?  I just came back from dinner with a developer and his family
(neighbors) and his house is full of Apple computers.  The guy is an engineer
at HP, for the love of Pete!

In addition, Matt Berther and Scott
are both pimping the Mac lately.  It is really getting annoying
because are starting to sound all preachy, like typical Mac advocates. 
Damned hippies.

I have to admit that the UNiX based OS X is pretty freaking cool and the fact that
I can type ls into the command window is awesome. That
said, I am not drinking the koolaid, baby.  Just keep your bloody hands
off my iPod.  Since I traded my Creative Zen for it, i can’t live without