4 Jul

Screen Cast: Dream Scene, RocketDock, and Vista Context Menus

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There are a few little usability items that I have meant to blog about recently and have not found the time.  Here is a little screencast that I made to mash all of them into one little video that talks about Windows Vista Ultimate Dream Scene, RocketDock (an OSX style widget for Windows), and new context menus in Vista’s File Explorer.

This isn’t heady stuff, but some of it is kinda cool.

Vista Tips Screen Cast

Here is a WMV version in case you want to pass it around, although I can’t imagine why you would 🙂 .

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One thought on “Screen Cast: Dream Scene, RocketDock, and Vista Context Menus”

  1. I noticed you use Plan Plus for Windows. I use the Plan Plus for Outlook. Do you have any clue if you can access Plan Plus fields via VBA. I am not familiar with VBA but pulled some code off the net that allows me to turn an email into a task. My desire is to go one step further and set the priority of that task to ‘A1’.

    you can see the code here:

    Sorry this is off topic, but would appreciate your help if you can.


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