Get ready to flame me. I know it is coming and I don’t care.
I just uninstalled Firefox after
giving it a half-hearted chance to be my browser. I say half-hearted because
I really didn’t care if it worked or not as I knew it would be easier to use IE, and
I was right. Firefox requires me to re-install plugins and stuff like that,
plus I needed to set up a bunch of persoanlized settings to really get the browser
experience that I wanted and at the end of the day, I just didn’t have the motivation.
After coming to the decision to uninstall, I asked myself why I
gave up so easily. I think I have an answer and here it is: I am tired.
I know this is a lame reason, but I am just sick and tired of the
browser discussion. Who cares what browser you are using? Isn’t it almost the
same question of “What search engine do you use”? I mean, it just
doesn’t matter anymore does it? I am not “sticking it to the man”
by using an open source browser, and as a developer, I am sick of trying to code for
the different browser scenarios.
I know, I know. You are going to tell me that I have lost
my innovative soul and my drive to stay current. My response is this,
“Maybe.” I would prefer to treat browser technology
as ubiquitis and to concentrate on genuine solutions using that technology as a medium.
Has Microsoft won?
Yes. And that makes it easier. I am just tired.