18 Oct

Prilosec OTC

I have GERD, or Gastrointestinal Esophageal Reflux Disease, and had
finally found a solution to this painful affliction in the form of the little purple
pill, Prilosec OTC.

Procter and Gamble’s distribution of Prilosec OTC started in the spring
and sales far outpaced production.  Now I am in a lot of pain waiting for production
to catch back up with demand. Here is a story that explains what happened:


This story is interesting to me because it proves that a monolithic
company like P&G can still be caught unawares by their market.  Now I don’t
feel so bad about some of the future projection decisions made in my little podunk
company.  P&G is losing millions of dollars in revenue over this one and
I bet someone has already lost their job over the mis-calculation.