4 May

Tablet PC

So, in preparing for my trip to NJ, to ride home on the bike and blog the entire way, I have procured the use of a Toshiba Tablet PC so as not to carry a full blown laptop. So far, kinda cool little unit. I haven’t actually tried writing yet, but will let you know. […]

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3 May

I just bought a new bike.

Taking it old school, baby. 1994 R100GS/PD Airhead. Here is a picture of the bike. I havent’t seen it yet myself.  I can’t wait. I bought this bike throught the Adventure Rider forums. So far it has been a very easy and fun experience. The current owner is Andrew Farake of the Adventurer’s Workshop. The Internet […]

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30 Apr

Cruise Control.Net 0.6

I just finished installing Cruise Control.Net 0.6 on our build box (A virtual machine, BTW), and I am very happy! The new Dashboard is excellent and installation was much easier this time around since I knew what I was doing. OPur master build script uses nAntContrib‘s mkiisdir task to make a VROOT for every new CC.Net project on the […]

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29 Apr


Microsoft says that major.minor[.build[.revision]] is the version schema for assemblies. Shouldn’t it be: major.minor[.revision[.build]] ? Well, I just wrote an app that is underpinned by System.Version which uses major.minor[.build[.revision]] and I find MS’s logic so confounding here that I actually considered backing out their Version class for one of my own. I ranted about System.Version […]

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24 Apr

1994 Northland Camper For Sale

I continue to purge my belongings and here is the next item to go. Our 1994 Northland Camper. 4 kids under 7 years old in this space during a rain storm is too much to bear. We re moving to a trailer or something. About the Camper 1994 Northland Polar Loaded, this was their top […]

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24 Apr

.Text Updates?

I really have appreciated and liked as a blogging engine, but I am increasingly afraid that I am either going to have to rip into this code or look elsewhere for an engine. While I appreciate Scott’s contribution to the community, the guy is busy, and that has obviously pushed this little side project out […]

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22 Apr

TDD Justifies Itself

Although I was not a quick convert to TDD, I think I was just won over. I am currently writing a custom task for nAnt and am using TDD practices while doing so, running tests and refactoring , etc. Here’s the meat. I have been playing with an algorithm for incrementing build numbers in my […]

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