
A software blog

21 Feb

NuGet Project Uncovered: EventAggregator.Net

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If you are coming to this series of posts for the first time you might check out my introductory post for a little context. NOTE: this project is one I created and as it turns out this has now become it?s introductory post. EventAggregator.Net is a single C# file that can provide a basis for […]

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21 Feb

When Opportunity Knocks Answer the DAMN Door!

When people do something for so long they get comfortable.  There is a nice fuzzy feeling you get when you can somewhat expect the events of your day.  Especially in this economy.  That somewhat happened to me.  I have been writing WPF and Silverlight LOB applications for the construction and engineering industry for a long […]

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20 Feb

NuGet Project Uncovered: DumpToText

Category:UncategorizedTag: :

If you are coming to this series of posts for the first time you might check out my introductory post for a little context. NOTE: this project is one I created and as it turns out this has now become its introductory post. DumpToText is a single C# extension I wrote a little while back. […]

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19 Feb

NuGet Project Uncovered: Nancy

Category:UncategorizedTag: :

If you are coming to this series of posts for the first time you might check out my introductory post for a little context. Nancy is another project founded by an elegant coder. Andreas has blogged about it a number of times here on ElegantCode. Nancy is a lightweight HTTP framework for building web services […]

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18 Feb

NuGet Project Uncovered: Extended.Wpf.Toolkit

Category:UncategorizedTag: :

If you are coming to this series of posts for the first time you might check out my introductory post for a little context. Extended.Wpf.Toolkit is a project that should not need an introduction, and if you follow this blog you?ve probably heard Brian talk about it. If not, check out some of the posts […]

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16 Feb

NuGet Project Uncovered: JsValidator

Category:UncategorizedTag: :

If you are coming to this series of posts for the first time you might check out my introductory post for a little context. JsValidator, on first glance, is a down right awesome gem of a NuGet. I?ve heard of Google?s Closure Compiler before, but have never used it. This NuGet makes it a snap […]

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15 Feb

NuGet Project Uncovered: FastMember

Category:UncategorizedTag: :

If you are coming to this series of posts for the first time you might check out my introductory post for a little context. FastMember would be something you pull in if you?re trying to do reflection to read properties of your objects, but starting to notice some performance issues. This project will emit some […]

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